Politics 2.0 is the Politics of PR and Social Media

Politics 2.0 is the politics of PR and Social Media

COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the entire world in unimaginable ways. Our conventional wisdom is being challenged by it and demanding an entirely new horizon of thinking. The governing principle of society and state, the politics, too is set to undergo major transformation due to COVID related implications. Scholars have argued that the post-corona politics or the Politics 2.0 will have elements of conventional politics like debates around caste, religion, welfarism, capitalism, socialism, liberalism etc. but what will add new flavour to it will be the spatial dimension of this politics 2.0. We had conventionally associated politics with massive rallies, big dharnas and large gathering of people to support their leader, party, and ideology. However, all this has become extremely dangerous and difficult in the contemporary world where social distancing has become sine qua non to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Therefore, more and more politics will shift to the digital space from physical space. In this context, the decision by the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP), to hold digital rallies is welcome move and refreshing development in Indian politics, which has the potential to transform it completely. This politics requires a closer scrutiny along with the role of Public Relations and Social Media.

Public Relations and the making of New Politics

It wouldn’t be a hyperbole to say that the role of public relations is as old as politics itself. In the ancient Greek, the art of public speaking became the most important pillar of politics. The balanced use of emotions, facts and rhetoric made a person a fine politician. All great leaders have been great orators, be it Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi to Narendra Modi in our contemporary times. It is the speech that connected them to the people as they spoke the minds of the common man, whose voice was previously unheard and in the that leader they found someone who could convey what they had always thought and wanted. However, in the present times, Public Relations include much more than speeches. It included the role of media, social media, technology, marketing of ideas and the leader and dynamics of communication.Perception in politics is a key driver to take a successful election campaign home. Contextually, PR has emerged as a vital tool that ensures the idea is professed in the manner it should be.PR driven and technology backed political campaigns have buzzed the world over the past few years.To cater the needs of the politicians, several PR firms have therefore mushroomed up in the world that help them in reaching out to the public and creating a brand out of the leader.

Earlier PR was considered as a ‘bad’ world in politics. It was believed that politics should remain raw where politicians seek vote on different issues via rallies, conferences etc. Leader should not be ‘marketed’ like some commercial product, it was believed. However, with the changing times, this philosophy became redundant and obsolete. The new idea is that the greater the public relations or PR, the greater is the chances of acceptability and winnability of the leader and there are several examples. Using PR doesn’t mean that the leader is not competent enough to win. It simply means that the leader wants to reach out to new set of voters through new set of ideas and techniques. Ultimately it is the quality of the leader that has the final say. For example, in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, both the parties BJP and Congress used PR to promote their leaders and philosophy. But it was the quality of Narendra Modi ji which was more acceptable to the people than his opponent Rahul Gandhi ji. PR can definitely help a good idea liked by more people but certainly not the one that is not even liked by a considerable number of people. By making catchy electoral ads, content marketing, mobile advertising the PR agencies make the leader’s presence felt in different place in various forms.


Role of Social Media in contemporary politics

One idea that has brought noticeable change in the style of politics is the use of social media. Social media has democratised the public debate that was earlier confined to a set of intellectuals, media personalities and opinion builders. Now, through the help of social media, anyone can raise his/her voice and make it heard to those required. In the Indian context, two politicians were quick to realise the potential of social media- Shashi Tharoor of the Congress and then Gujrat CM Narendra Modi of the BJP. In fact, it was the social media that helped Modiji’s rise both within the partyand among the common people. At a time when he was completely boycotted by the mainstream media, Modiji utilised Twitter and facebook to convey his message of good governance and development for all. His popularity in social media made him a force to reckon with. In a way it was a ‘revolution from below’, that made Modi’s rise inevitable. It was also the same time in 2013 when thentwo senior Union Ministers — Manish Tewari (Information and Broadcasting) and Kapil Sibal (Information Technology and Telecom) — disagreed on the report that stated that social media could influence 160 Lok Sabha seats in the elections of 2014. The result of their ignorance was the historic drubbing of the Congress party and several reports indicated the absence or negligible presence of the party and its scion Rahul Gandhi in social media that was responsible for this defeat. Indian youth had spent considerable time and got highly influenced by the social media campaigns of the BJP.

Even in 2019 Lok Sabha elections, BJP’s dominant presence in social media and its well functional IT cell helped it in reaching out to the voters. It was led by the PM Modi himself who initiated the unique campaign of ‘Mai BhiChaukidaar’ by putting ‘Chaukidaar’ as a prefix in order to counter the negative campaign of accusation of corruption by Rahul Gandhi on social media by calling ‘ChaukidaarChor Hai’. However, Rahul Gandhi’s campaign boomeranged and BJP won the elections with even greater number of seats than its previous tally of 2014. Experts attributed this success to PM Modi’s fine election campaign, his PR and the fantastic use of social media beside other factors like his welfare schemes and a corruption free regime. Social media helped BJP reach out to those set of voters who were either undecided or were negatively influenced by a certain section of print and electronic media. They could easily find the realities in social media of what was told to them by the mainstream media.


Politics 2.0 will be more about PR and Social Media

As we move towards normalcy in post-pandemic era, our politics will be in a new avatar. It will be practised and contested more and more on digital platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Therefore, digital presence may become necessary but not a sufficient criterion for getting success in politics. New ideas will have to be brought in, new remedies have to be innovated and new connectivity has to be developed in the digital world. This is where PR would play a major role. Campaigns like ‘Chai Pe Charcha’, ‘AbkiBaar, Modi Sarkar, ‘Selfie With Daughter’, Virtual rallies will have to be encouraged so that safety of the people is not compromised while taking up the welfarian cause of the people. Elections will be more about which leader and which ideology connects with the masses in more unique ways. As internet reaches more and more people, their opinion will be shaped more by social media that mainstream media. It is also imperative that social media companies be kept under check so that there remains a level playing field for all the players and that the personal data of the people is not mis utilised by them to influence their political choices.

छोटी आँखों से बड़े सपना रखने वाला धोनी ।

यह कहना अतिशयोक्ति नहीं होगा की भारत में क्रिकेट एक धर्म की तरह है जिसके करोड़ों अनुयायी हैं और कई भगवान भी। भारत में यदि सचिन तेंदुलकर को क्रिकेट के सबसे बड़ा भगवान का दर्जा दिया जाता है तो राहुल द्रविड, विराट कोहली, सौरव गांगुली और महेंद्र सिंह धोनी आदि खिलाड़ी भी किसी देवता से कम नहीं माने जाते हैं। ऐसे में भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम के पूर्व कप्तान महेंद्र सिंह धोनी का अंतर्राष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट से सन्यास लेने की घोषणा करना उनके करोड़ों चाहने वालों के लिए किसी झटके से कम नहीं है। हालांकि इसके कयास काफी लंबे समय से लगाए जा रहे थे लेकिन 15 अगस्त को अपने इंस्टाग्राम पोस्ट पर इसकी घोषणा कर के उन्होंने इन सभी कयासों पर अंततः पूर्णविराम लगा दिया है।धोनी हमेशा सर्प्राइज़ देने के लिए जाने जाते है इस बार भी उन्होंने वैसा ही किया इससे पूर्व टेस्ट क्रिकेट में भी धोनी ने ऐसे ही अचानक से टेस्ट सिरीज़ के बीच सन्यास की घोषणा कर दी,इस बार भी धोनी के सन्यास लेने की खबर से मैं उसी तरह से हैरान हुआ हूँ जैसे 2013 में सचिन तेंदुलकर को अपना अंतिम टेस्ट मैच खेलता देखने पर हुआ था। लेकिन धोनी सिर्फ एक महान क्रिकेट खिलाड़ी नहीं है जिनके नाम कई रिकार्ड दर्ज हैं और जिनके नेतृत्व में भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम ने अपना स्वर्णिम दौर देखा है,क्रिकेट के हर फ़ॉर्मैट में भारत को चैम्पीयन बनाया,धोनी एक ऐसे ‘यूथ आइकान’ हैं जो भारत के छोटे-छोटे शहरों में रहने वाले, मध्यम वर्गीय परिवारों से संबंध रखने वाले हम जैसे करोड़ों युवाओं का नेतृत्व करते हैं, उनके अंदर यह हिम्मत और हौसला प्रदान करते हैं कि यदि आपके अंदर जज़्बे और जुनून की कोई कमी नहीं है, तो आप किसी भी सपने को हकीकत में बदल सकते हैं। धोनी उस ‘न्यू इंडिया’ के ब्रांड हैं जिसकी आँखें तो छोटी हैं, लेकिन ख्वाब बहुत बड़े हैं, जिसके पास साधन तो सीमित हैं, लेकिन संभावनाएं असीमित हैं। रांची जैसे नगर से आने वाला एक लड़का जो कभी रेल्वे का मुलाज़िम हुआ करता था, एक दिन भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम का कप्तान बन कर के उसे विश्व विजेता बनाएगा, ऐसा शायद किसी ने कभी सोचा न था। अक्सर युवाओं के ऊपर यह तंज कसा जाता है कि उनके अंदर धैर्य और संयम का अभाव होता है। लेकिन धोनी उर्फ माही ने दुनिया को यह दिखाया की भारत का युवा धैर्य और जोश के बीच संतुलन बनाना जनता है। प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियों में अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन देना माहीं की विशेषता रही है और यही गुण ‘न्यू इंडिया’ के युवाओं में देखने को मिलता है जो आपदा में भी अवसर खोज लेते हैं। धोनी भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम के ही नहीं बल्कि उस आकांक्षावादी नए भारत की पूरी युवा पीड़ी के कप्तान है जो जोखिम उठाने से नहीं डरती है, और जिसने ‘जीवन में मंगल’ से ‘मंगल में जीवन’ तक का सफर तय किया है। धोनी कामयाबी और विनम्रता की मिसाल हैं। मुझे याद है धोनी की चर्चा मेरे एक पटना के मित्र ने किया था की पटना के एक मैच में राँची के खिलाड़ी ने खूब छक्का लगाया उसके कुछ सालों बाद धोनी को अंतरराष्ट्रीय खेल में खेलते देखा जहां वो अपने खेल कौशल से सबको अपनी ओर मोह रहे थे साथ में वो बड़े बाल वाला फ़ैशन भी चल पड़ा था। किसे पता था की वो कौशल एक दिन भारत का विश्वास बन जाएगा।”कूल” शब्द उनके किए उपमा बन गई। धोनी है न सम्भाल लेगा” अब ये बात नहीं बोली जाएगी । कुछ करने के लिए कोई बहाना नहीं इस बात को धोनी ने सिद्ध किया की कुछ करने के लिए सिर्फ़ एक नियत काफ़ी है और ना करने के लिए तो अनंत बहाना है। धोनी आप हम स्मॉल टाउन के हीरो हो कैसे क्रिकेट से फ़ुर्सत मिले तो “भारतीय सेना” में अपनी सेवाएँ दी ये जज़्बा बतलाती है आपके लिए राष्ट्र प्रथम है।
धोनी आपके सन्यास लेने के कारण उनकी कमी क्रिकेट जगत से भी ज़्यादा हम सब के दैनिक जीवन की संभावनाओं में खलेगी।  आपके भविष्य के लिए मंगल कामनाएँ ।

मेरी प्यारी छोटी बच्ची अब तू बड़ी हो रही है





मैंने ये कविता अपनी बड़ी बेटी अनिका सिंह के तीसरे जन्मदिन पर लिखा था

मेरी प्यारी छोटी बच्ची
अब तू बड़ी हो रही है
जब तूने जन्म लिया
माँ-पापा को पूर्ण किया ।

मेरी प्यारी छोटी बच्ची
अब तू बड़ी हो रही है
तेरे क़दमों से मेरा घर गुलज़ार हुआ
तेरा हँसने से जीवन मेरा वार हुआ ।

मेरी प्यारी छोटी बच्ची
अब तू बड़ी हो रही है
जब तूने पहली बार मुझे ड़ेडा कहकर पुकारा
जीवन को नयी दिशा मिल पाया
जीवन में कुछ कर गुज़रने की
एक नई प्रेरणा तूने दी ।

मेरी प्यारी छोटी बच्ची
अब तू बड़ी हो रही है

New Education Policy 2020- An idea whose time had come

The power of education needs no elaboration as it is self-explanatory. It can construct or destroy an entire generation, thereby an entire country. Therefore, it is imperative that right programs and policies on education are prepared and implemented by the government. It is also required that these policies get updated from time to time so that new developments in society and technology do not make the education system out of sync. Education itself is such a huge sector that ‘one size fits for all’ does not suits it and there are several dimensions to it. It is in this context that New Education Policy, 2020 has been brought by the Modi Government.

Read More:-https://www.indiatvnews.com/education/news-opinion-new-education-policy-2020-nep-2020-an-idea-whose-time-had-come-640284

Courtesy:- https://www.indiatvnews.com/

कोरोना: शारीरिक के साथ-साथ मनोवैज्ञानिक मोर्चे पर भी जीतना जरूरी!

श्रावण का मास चल रहा है। यह मास हिन्दू धर्म की मान्यताओं के अनुसार भगवान महादेव का मास माना जाता है। चूंकि मेरा जीवन में भगवान शिव की असीम कृपा रही है और मैं उन्हें अपने काफी निकट भी मानता हूँ, इसीलिए यह महीना मेरे लिए विशेष होता है। लेकिन इस साल इसी पावन माह में मुझे एक बड़ा झटका लगा।

Read More:-https://blogs.navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/nbtguestblog/it-is-important-to-win-the-fight-against-corona-on-the-physical-as-well-as-psychological-front/

Courtesy:- navbharattimes.indiatimes.com

Bihar Vidhan Sabha Elections 2020: Imagining the unimaginable

Bihar is not an ordinary land. It has been the stronghold of huge empires since ancient times, be it Maurya or the Gupta. It has also been the birthplace of people who dared to change the human history in an unimaginable manner. In this context, one is reminded of stalwarts born in the states like Lord Buddha, Lord Mahaveer, Chanakya, Aryabhatt, Dr Rajendra Prasad, Jaiprakash Narayan, Veer Kunwar Singh, BP Mandal, and Babu Jagjivan Ram.

Read More:- https://www.indiatvnews.com/elections/news-bihar-vidhan-sabha-elections-2020-imagining-the-unimaginable-633170

Courtesy:- www.indiatvnews.com

चीनी ऐप्‍स बैन करना साहसिक कदम, आपदा को अवसर में बदले युवा

भारतीय युवाओं को जहां भी अवसर मिला, उन्होंने अपनी क्षमता का पूरा प्रदर्शन किया है।


Read More at: https://www.jansatta.com/blog/banning-chinese-apps-is-a-bold-step-youth-can-change-disaster-into-opportunity/1459617/

Courtesy:-  www.jansatta.com

जरूरत है युवा तरुणाई के उद्धघोष की

हिन्दी फिल्म रंग दे बसंती का एक डायलॉग है, “कोई भी देश परफेक्ट नहीं होता, उसे परफेक्ट बनाना पड़ता है।” देश का नेतृत्व करने वालों का यह दायित्व होता है कि वो देश और समाज के उत्थान के लिए कार्य करें और ऐसे कार्यक्रम और योजनाएं चलाएं जिससे देश प्रगति कर सके।

Full Story at: https://blogs.navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/nbtguestblog/there-is-a-need-to-increase-the-enthusiasm-of-the-youth/

Courtesy- navbharattimes.indiatimes.com

From mobilizing people for blood donation to crowdfunding for a humanitarian cause to a selfless prayer for a daughter battling life: The real face of Right on social media

Charles Leadbeater, author of ‘We Think: The Power of Mass Creativity’ famously wrote, “You are what you share”. Social media which is one of the most potent and popular manifestation of ‘mass creativity’ and mass interaction is unpardoning in one respect and that is “what you share”.

Full Story at https://www.opindia.com/2019/12/humanity-humanitarian-work-right-twitter-real-face/

Courtesy: www.opindia.com