About Me

The blessed Father of Anika and Bhavya and a proud Bihari, Shri Ravi Ranjan hails from the ancient city of Gaya. The son of Late Shri Nagendra Singh and Shreemati Kamla Singh, Ranjan has been happily married to Supriya Singh. He did his 10th in 2002 and Intermediate in 2004, both from Bihar Board. He has a Graduation Degree (Maths Honours) and a PGDM in International Business and Marketing. His work experience includes working with the Surya Group, LT foods (Daawat Rice) 2008-2010.

Ranjan holds a diversity of interest and has been an Author, a Blogger, a Social Media Expert and a Political Strategist. Apart from his professional work, he has also volunteered with India Policy Foundation, a popular Right Wing Think Tank known for its pioneering research and academic outputs. From 2014-2019, Shri Ranjan has worked as a Media consultant in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.